
5.28.21 Reviews and sales

Tplus 4 day- This will be my last countdown post as the book is now out in the wild and available for anyone to read and review. The bright news is I got a nice review from a blogger- not saying my book was perfect and pointing out some things they wished were...

5.25.21 Into the great wide open

Faire’s Fair is out. And my kind friends are all going to get to see what I’ve been working on. I hope they enjoy it- and I’m thankful to each one that will be reading it. The next weeks will be spent doing various marketing trials as well as moving...

5.24.21 – tomorrow is the day

Tminus ONE DAY Tomorrow anyone can buy and read Faire’s Fair, a novel that I have spent so much time (and a decent amount of money) on along with talking ad nauseum about with some very tolerant friends. My hopes? That readers that aren’t my friends or...

5.15.21 Looking ahead

Tminus 10 days- Despite saying that I am looking ahead, don’t believe that I’m taking my eye off the Faire’s Fair ball. Think more like I’m one of those chameleons with the eyes rotate in different directions. Okay. That’s creepy....

5.11.21 Going wide

Wide you ask? So I’m NOT going to be putting Faire’s Fair into Kindle Unlimited right away. I’d like to see if I can actually get folks to buy my book- especially if I keep getting good reviews. (hint, if you are going to be reading it, please leave...