
4.24.21 final edits

So much is keeping me busy! I’ve completed my final go-through of Faire’s Fair and I’m now updating it with all my last edits. My chapter 1 of Fair Play, Robert and Janet’s story, has come back the editor with good remarks and I’ve just...

4.9.21 back from editing

Be still my beating heart. Well… not still still… just not popping out of my chest. I received Faire’s Fair back from the editor. I read her overview with my fingers over my eyes and y’all… she LOVED it. Like loved it enough I’m...

4.3.21 Irons in the fire

Too many, or perhaps TWO many… I’m working on two projects somewhat simultaneously- which is always challenging! First, I have a prequel short story for the fans of Faire’s Fair that shows a pivotal moment several years before Faire’s Fair...

3.24.21- editors and editing, oh my!

I have decided to hire an editor to give Faire’s Fair the best chance possible. I’d hate for someone to like the story and then to give me a cruddy review because I spelled ‘roll’ as ‘role’ or bad punctuation etc. But even better...

3.22.2021 – moving right along

My book is still with my beta readers, about 1/3 have finished it. I’ve reached out to several editors and they are going to proof a section of my book and get back to me with both their edits and recommendations of what type of editing I need. Copy editing is...